Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Body Waxing But Were Afraid to Ask!
This site has been designed for those interested in hair removal via body waxing, including Brazilian bikini waxing for men and women. Detailed information is given about various waxing services, what to expect, aftercare, pricing, etc. Below are frequently asked questions. Please enjoy!
Q: Is Brazilian waxing painful?
A: Some clients have described it as similar to pulling a band-aid off. It hurts for a second, but is quick and the pain leaves as fast as it comes. If you have had a bad waxing experience in the past, please remember that a skilled waxing professional with good technique and experience can make a huge difference. We constantly have people tell us that our experience shows, and that they felt much more comfortable as a result.
It is uncomfortable, but the most common feedback we receive is, “wow, that wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be and was totally worth it!”
Q: What does a Brazilian Wax include?
A: A Brazilian wax includes all hair removed front to back, however, you can customize this service to your liking. (Example- leave a landing strip, triangle, etc...)
Q: What are your minimum age bikini/brazilian requirements?
A: Brazilian wax: 17 years old- must have guardian in treatment room every visit until minor turns 18
Bikini wax: 13 and older- must have guardian in treatment room every visit until minor turns 18
Q: Will I have to be positioned on my hands and knees to have the backside waxed?
A: Here at The Wax Bar, we understand that this can be uncomfortable and/or embarrassing for many clients, so we have you roll onto your side and lift your butt-cheek.
Q: How long does hair need to be in order to be waxed?
A: Hair needs to be the length of a long grain of rice. Typically, 10-14 days of growth after shaving. (Longer hair is fine too)
Q: How long can I expect to be smooth?
A: Everyone is different. We all have different hair growth cycles. Many clients experience smoothness for about 2 weeks, some less, some more. It takes about 3-4 consistent waxes to get hair on the same growth cycle which typically results in a longer period of smoothness. Hair will grow back SOFTER & FINER with each wax.
Q: How often should I get waxed?
A: For best results we recommend coming in every 4-6 weeks. This allows hair to get on the same growth cycle & ensures hair is an appropriate length. It is also WAY less painful if you keep up with it and hurts less each time.
Q: Is there any specific preparation I need to do before my appointment?
It is best to wear loose, comfortable clothing to avoid friction immediately after wax.
Please arrive 5 minutes early to fill out new client form/ sign your form, use restroom, & enjoy a shot of liquid courage if desired 😉
Trimming is not necessary, we will do this for you, however, if you feel more comfortable trimming it yourself, please be careful not to trim shorter than ½ inch.
It is best to come in freshly showered, but we know this is not always feasible. We have wipes in our restroom so you may freshen up before your service.
Exfoliating by using a washcloth or gentle scrub will loosen hair & make your wax easier.
Limit caffeine for several hours prior to appointment.
Clients who normally take Ibuprofen for pain may find this helpful 30 minutes prior to treatment. Taking antacids (Tums) prior to their appointment may help with skin redness and sensitivity.
We sell PFB Numb It -which reduces discomfort in most clients. You will need to purchase and apply it 10-15 minutes prior to your appointment.
Again, hair must be at least ¼- ½ inch long to be waxed.
Q: Can I get waxed if I’m pregnant?
A: ABSOLUTELY! We wax mamas during their entire pregnancies.
Q: Can I get waxed on my period?
A: Sure can, as long as you wear a tampon. We wax women during their monthly flow all the time! For some clients, waxing immediately before and during your period may be more painful.
Q: How soon after my wax can I enjoy intimacy?
A: We recommend waiting 24-48 hours, however, some clients (especially regularly waxed clients) do not experience tenderness after waxing and can enjoy sex sooner.
A good rule of thumb is “whenever you feel good down there!”
Q: What is the difference between a Brazilian and Bikini Wax?
A: A Brazilian wax removes all hair front to back, a bikini wax removes hair from your bikini line only. (bikini wax does not include the labia or backside)
Q: What is Bling?
A: Bling is a beautiful glitter design that will last 5 to 7 days depending on care. Something fun for that special occasion!
Q: What kind of waxing can I have done?
A: You can have anything waxed, from facial (no beards) to Brazilian and bikini
waxing, full legs, arms, and just about any body part that has hair, even the nostrils (no it doesn’t hurt.)
Q: Do men really get waxed?
A: Absolutely! When you walk into our shops, you will find a comfortable setting for men and women alike. We have many male clients who get male Brazilians, back, chest, arms, you name it! Many couples comment that waxing enhances bedroom pleasure when both are smooth! 😉
Q: What happens if I get aroused or experience an erection during my service?
A: Just so you know, it happens to about 50% of male clientele. This is usually an adrenal response from the waxing service that most people have absolutely no control over. Some men have this happen while at their doctor's office having a physical. It's really not a problem, as long as you treat us with respect and understand that we are professional estheticians who are just removing hair, and nothing more. If any inappropriate/sexual remarks, gestures or advances are made, your service will be terminated, you will be asked to leave, and you will be fired as a client. The Wax Bar is a strictly professional business, please conduct yourself accordingly.
Q. I’m transgender. Can I still receive services?
A. Yes! We provide services regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. However, we still need to ask your biological anatomy in order to properly schedule your service.
Q: Why is a male Brazilian wax more expensive than female?
A: Male Brazilian waxes take longer to complete.
Q: How long will my skin be irritated/ what if I break out?
A. Typically most irritation subsides within 24-48 hours. Breakouts can occur if the skin is not kept clean and dry following your wax appointment. To ensure the least risk of breakout, we recommend not applying any lotions, powders, or perfumes to the area, taking mild showers, and wearing loose clothing for a minimum of 24 hours. If irritation persists, you may apply PURE aloe vera gel (alcohol free) or a 1% hydrocortisone cream. Please feel free to call us if you have any concerns. 210-525-9701
Q: Can I get waxed if I have Herpes or MRSA?
A: If you do not have an active outbreak, you may be waxed. However, waxing can trigger an outbreak in a person who already has the virus, even if it is dormant. If you have an active outbreak, you may not be waxed as it may cause spreading to other areas.
*The Texas Department of Regulations states that a licensee may not perform services on a client if the licensee has reason to believe the client has a contagious condition, inflamed, infected, broken, raised or swollen skin, or an open wound or sore in the area to be serviced. The Wax Bar employees reserve the right to refuse service if they believe the condition of the skin being treated is and/or may become compromised during service.
Q: I am a plus-sized person. Am I going to be embarrassed or feel awkward?
A: Absolutely not! Our clients are every-day people like you and me. Some of our estheticians are plus sized, so no reason to feel self-conscious.
Q: Do you offer any special pricing for your regular customers?
A: Yes! We have The Wax Bar App. Download it now on your smart phone to receive notices of specials, coupons, and the "virtual loyalty card.” This app can be used at any of our four locations in San Antonio, Texas.
Q: Do you double dip?
A: HELL NO! If you ever see this done at another salon, R U N! fast.
Q: What kind of wax do you use?
A: For Brazilian waxing, we use mostly hard wax. Hard wax is great for more sensitive areas such as: under arms, genitals, etc... Hard wax adheres to only the hair, therefore it is less painful. For large areas such as backs, legs, etc., we use roll on strip wax that is formulated for sensitive skin. All of our wax is vegan and never animal tested.
Q: Do you sell gift cards?
A: Yes. If you are interested in purchasing a gift card, you may do so at any of our locations.
Q: What is Anal Bleaching & do you offer it?
A: Many people suffer from dark or discolored intimate areas. “Anal or Intimate bleaching” is a way to reduce the appearance of this discoloration in the genital and anal area.
We do not provide this as a service as we have a safe and effective take home system that allows you to do this in the privacy of your own home.
The product we sell, South Beach Skin Solutions is all natural, safe and gentle. It is extremely easy to use and was formulated to be safe to use while waxing.
"We at the Wax Bar understand that it can feel awkward to get undressed in front of a total stranger, however, our waxers are professional and easy going. If you think that’s awkward, try getting undressed in front of your co-workers! We pride ourselves in making this experience as comfortable and stress free as possible. Most of our clients walk in as strangers and leave as friends. From the minute you arrive, you will be greeted with a relaxed atmosphere, fun music, and our bar is always stocked for those 21 and over. Every wax room is decorated a little differently as we allow our waxers to express themselves through their treatment rooms, after all this is their office. You can expect easy conversation to flow during your service, and before you know it, you will be smooth!
Rest assured we love what we do!
***Waxing Contraindications:
If you have diabetes and are insulin dependent, you must have a written release from your physician stating it is safe for you to have body waxing performed as this condition may sometimes cause skin to be more prone to infection, and also vulnerable to bruising, bleeding and tearing.
You should not wax if you are taking blood thinners, oral or topical acne medication (such as Accutane.)
Accutane users must be off Accutane for at least six months before getting waxed as it causes
skin to become thin and easily lift and tear.
If you are using over the counter acne medication, or have skin that is being treated with Retin A, Renova or other prescription medications, those areas of the body should not be waxed as the skin may be prone to tearing, lifting or blistering. If you are receiving other treatments such as chemical peels, microdermabrasion, ect., please consult with your clinician who provided your service on when it would be safe to have that area waxed.
Sunburned skin should not be waxed.
Please understand that The Wax Bar has these safety policies in place solely for the protection of our clients.

The Wax Bar Castle Hills
Located in "The Woods of Castle Hills"
1840 Lockhill Selma Road, Ste. 102
San Antonio, Texas 78213
The Wax Bar Main Avenue
2520 N. Main Avenue, Ste. B (2 doors down from Capparelli's)
San Antonio, Texas 78212
The Wax Bar Judson Road
13777 Judson Road, Ste. 104
San Antonio, Texas 78233